Men's-Libido | Anastrozole 1mg - The First Choice of Anti Estrogens
  • Men's-Libido | Anastrozole 1mg - The First Choice of Anti Estrogens

Anaridex 1.0 - Anastrozole


10$ for 10 Tablets

1mg Anastrozole

Price per Tablet 1$

1 Quantity = 10 Tablets

Manufacturer: Healing Pharma

Healing Pharma


The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 3.

Anastrozole was the first selective aromatase inhibitor used in bodybuilding and remains the most popular estrogen control drug today. It is usually available in both tablet form and liquid form for oral consumption. Dosages are typically 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg or 1 mg per dose with a dosing frequency of once per day or once every two days.

Anastrozole has a half-life of approximately two days. For this reason, with continued use, after taking a dose of Arimidex, the user will have in their body not only that dose they just took, but also what has accumulated in their body over the last two days. However, if you just start using it, such accumulation will not occur and the effect will be less.

First, if a cycle of anabolic steroid use causes very high levels of aromatizing steroids and the aromatase enzyme is not controlled, then excessive conversion to estradiol occurs. The resulting high estradiol levels can cause gynecomastia, water retention, depression, and/or loss of libido. They can also make it difficult to maintain a slim state.

And second, some men have excessive estradiol levels even if they don't use anabolic steroids. This reduces your natural testosterone production and can also lead to the undesirable side effects listed above.


Arimidex is very suitable for solving both problems. With a correctly chosen dosage, the levels of free estradiol can be brought quite accurately into the desired range. When not using anabolic steroids, I recommend 20 to 29 pg/ml of ostradiol for most men for the best effect on mood, performance, libido and long-term health and to provide an excellent benefit for natural testosterone production. During a steroid cycle, levels can be allowed to rise slightly higher as higher androgen levels counteract the negative effects of estradiol. Sometimes the levels are intentionally increased slightly because slight water retention can improve performance during training. However, I recommend that estradiol levels should not exceed 40pg/ml even during a high dose anabolic use cycle. This usually requires an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex when high doses of aromatizing steroids are used.

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